Bank card payment
中文 (普通话)
Billing address:
incorrect name
incorrect email address
Phone number:
incorrect phone number
If you already have a Simple account
Sign in to the Simple system (in the Simple application or on SimplePay’s online payment interface) with your registered email address and password. After signing in, you will find your previously saved bank cards in your Simple account, so you will not have to enter your card details again.  
Sign in
incorrect email address
incorrect password
Before proceeding, please read the current version of Simple General Terms and Conditions and Data Management Information.
Please make a declaration
*Acceptance required
Enter security code
We have sent the security code to the following email address:
Security code:
Incorrect code
You will no longer need to enter a security code when logging in to your Simple account in this browser.
Incorrect code
Verification failed. Please try again.
Failed to resend the security code. Please try again!
The security code has been successfully resent, please check your email account.
Your bank cards
Select one of your previously saved bank cards to pay with, or add a new bank card to your Simple account.
Add new bank card to my Simple account.
Add new bank card
You can make secure and simple payments with your bank card saved in your Simple account. All you have to do is sign in to your Simple account using your registered email address and password, so next time you will not have to enter your card details again, just select the card you want to use to make a payment.
incorrect card number
incorrect name
incorrect CVC
The security code is found at the back of your card, next to your signature (it is not required in the case of Maestro cards).
Card name:
" />
incorrect card name
Other digital wallet options
By selecting this function please proceed to the authentication of your data using the interface of the respective service provider (GooglePay / ApplePay), then select your saved bank card option to proceed to a seamless payment without manually entering your card data.
Other digital wallet option
By selecting this function please proceed to the authentication of your data using the interface of the respective service provider, then select your saved bank card option to proceed to a seamless payment without manually entering your card data.
incorrect card number
incorrect name
incorrect CVC
The security code is found at the back of your card, next to your signature (it is not required in the case of Maestro cards).
Next time, you can make payments with a password, without entering your card or bank account data!
By ticking this box, you can give your consent to several things at once in a simple way, and you state that you have read and understood the information on the terms of data processing, accept the terms and conditions of use, consent to data processing with the aim of profiling, and subscribe to the newsletter. Click only if you accept all of the above. If you do not wish to accept one or more of the above, choose from the list below.
*Acceptance required for registration
To complete the payment please select the mode of registration
Thousands of webshop and mobile purchase opportunities
What are the benefits of registering a Simple account?
Simple is a comprehensive, integrated payment and purchase system that makes the following possible without having to enter your card details all over again:

- online payment in all webshops using the SimplePay payment module*
- payment through services found in the Simple application*
- contactless mobile payment with the Simple application**.
*In your Simple account, you can save your MasterCard, Maestro, Visa, or American Express bank card issued by any bank and pay with it online.
**Contactless mobile payment is available for payments made with MasterCard or Maestro bank cards issued by OTP Bank or Android devices with NFC function.

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